The Comforters Christian Home for the Orphans and Needy was founded in Nigeria 2014 and is affiliated to The Associazione Famiglia Cristiana di Debora e Carol Onlus in Italy which was founded in 2008 and legally registered with the Ministry of Finance in Italy (Agenzia del’Entrate) with registration number: 94561230015.
It is established to provide HOPE to the needy and CARE for the orphans in Nigeria and beyond. We provide extensive support and assistance to many orphanage homes, schools and hospitals, across the nation, as well as individuals that need help in furthering their education and or learning a trade.
We do not want to just feed and clothe people but want make a difference in their lives to alleviate the cycles of poverty, hopelessness and dependencies of many kinds, from people and to see their lives transformed to hope, joy and lasting prosperity
Our History
The Christian Association of Deborah and Carol was born in 2009 like-profit in order to use also cultural and musical stimuli to realize social welfare activities for people with mental and physical difficulties, and underwent cooperation both with other NGOs local, international, which Eeopea ,, has proposed and proposes initiatives in the area accessible to children and young people through courses of Djembe drums and recreational-educational workshops, spaces of Music therapy can be used by the elderly in nursing homes and people with mental and physical difficulties who stay in the community, cooking classes and music for adults, shows and block parties.
Our Vision
To see the underprivileged, achieve education and be self-sufficient.