better together

better together

better together

better together

better together

A proposed water project for a borehole water supply at ayua village,Etsako west LGA.Edo state.
Improving access to clean water for Ayua community.Your donation will go a long way to give clean water to these people.
A litter bit More
About US
We Serve Humanity
The Voluntary Association Christian Deborah family and Carol, is an association of social welfare volunteer, non-profit, non-denominational and non-party, which, based on the principles of social solidarity has as its purpose to pursue charitable purposes under social welfare by intervening in situations of physical, psychological and economic support of the most vulnerable groups: children, the elderly, disabled, adults in difficulty, but with particular commitment to the protection of children.
For the achievement of its purposes, the Association also adheres to other associations and organizations with which it shares the aims and methods, as well as working with public and private institutions, by promoting integration processes, dialogue and encounter between persons.
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