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Rehabilitation Project For Orphans & Needy

We have assisted thousands of people over the years both in giving and rehabilitation, each of them with unique talent and goal.

Importance of rehabilitation.

  1. Makes people self employed
  2. It eradicate poverty
  3. It enhances natural growth of the nation
  4. It prevent criminal activities
  5. Prevents dangerous risk people undergo to make it to the top e.g drugs, prostitution, suicide bombers
  6. It gives the downtrodden a fresh start
  7. Put smiles on the faces of the depressed and deprived –. gives hope to the hopeless and make them responsible citizens
  8. It creates employment-vocation like-agriculture, catering, fashion designing
  9. Rehabilitation brings glory to the nation.

Areas of Assistance.

Our areas of assistance include,

  • Provision of food stuffs
  • Vocational training in Agriculture, catering, fashion design, auto-mechanics, hair dressing.
  • Sending children to school.
  • We also give start up grants.

Our Goal

We are teaching the people how to fish instead of giving fishes all the time.

Wherever you are, we are not limited by place, we have our agents all over the country to get you registered for any skill of your choice and pay the necessary fees for the training.

Currently, rehabilitation is ongoing in Italy, we are takes girls of the street from prostitution giving them coat in cold and food, shelter to those who need them.


  • MRS Williams who has completed her fashion design was presented with a sewing machine and cash money to startup her business.
  • MR Samuel has also completed his auto-mechanic training and presently operating a mechanic workshop.


We are calling on philanthropist all over the world and those who are still in the business of helping the orphans and needy for assistance and donations.


Cash, goods such as sewing machine, used cloths, bags, shoes, hairdryers, bed and beddings.

All donations should be channel to the details below.  

Account Name:       Comforters Christian Home For orphans and needy. 
Account Number:              1014230584
Bank Name:                      Zenith Bank
Phone Numbers:           08028529214, 08034424365

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